Learn Docker with Online Courses, Classes, & Lessons

Learn Docker with Online Courses, Classes, & Lessons

You will also learn how to work with images and containers, how to get your project running, and how to push it to the cloud, among other important lessons. This tutorial is meant for those who are interested in learning Docker as a container service. This product has spread like wildfire across the industry https://remotemode.net/ and is really making an impact on the development of new generation applications. So anyone who is interested in learning all the aspects of Docker should go through this tutorial. After basic Linux administration, Docker is one of the first skills aspiring DevOps pros should begin to master.

Docker for DevOps Lessons

Be among the first to get timely program info, career tips, event invites and more. Be among the first to receive timely program and event info, career tips, industry trends and more. Build a Kubernetes environment and deploy and maintain applications with GKE . These can all help you prepare for using your Docker knowledge in the real world. Run – Docker offers you the ability to deploy scalable services securely and reliably on a wide variety of platforms. Ship – Docker lets you design the entire cycle of application development, testing, and distribution, and manage it with a consistent user interface.

How to prepare for a DevOps certification

In this course, you’ll learn how this is going to impact you as an individual as well as the teams and organizations you work for. Whether or not you’re a Developer, anyone who works with code or servers will boost their productivity with Docker’s open app-building platform. In short, a good course for anyone who wants to get up to speed with containers and Docker.

  • It also encourages the same image/binaries to be used at every step of the pipeline.
  • Mumshad is passionate about sharing his knowledge and teaches over 600,000+ students worldwide.
  • To DevOps, you need to have a basic understanding of software development and operations.

After achieving the DCA certification, there is no reason why you can’t achieve even higher. The quality of teaching, course content, and support that I got from Simplilearn was amazing and helped me gain in-depth knowledge. Automation tools that DevOps teams frequently use help to reduce Docker for DevOps Lessons costs while increasing the reusability and repeatability of configurations and environments, which helps businesses scale. DevOps skills are in high demand, and DevOps engineers command excellent salaries. But before you can land a DevOps job, you need the necessary expertise and skills.

Best Online Courses to learn Docker and Kubernetes in 2023

These will help you demonstrate to management that you can work in a DevOps environment even if you have not yet acquired expertise with specific DevOps-related tools the organization uses. There are plenty of opportunities for DevOps certifications and training courses that are easy to access. DevOps certifications and training programs can get you on the road to a rewarding DevOps career.

Docker performs operating system level virtualization that runs on the Linux platform, making it possible for you to run containers, which house an application and all its functional parts. It allows you to set up a virtual machine, of sorts, in which the entire system is mirrored from your program to the receiving computer system. Containers don’t need separate operating systems, and they allow OpenStack development to be consistent across systems.

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